SDSU Extension Service – Custer County Office
SDSU Extension is the indispensable outreach link to people growing South Dakota’s, and the nation’s, future by providing solutions and creating opportunities. We foster learning communities that empower citizens to advocate for sustainable change and strengthen agriculture, natural resources, youth, families and communities.
Youth experience 4-H through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4-H camps and educational programs. Members complete hands-on projects in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.
Keri Cochran, SDSU 4-H / 4-H Educator
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator:
Keri Cochran
Administrative Assistant:
– [email protected]
Phone: 605-673-4971
25361 US Hwy 385
Custer, SD 5773
Custer County 4-H Website
To serve the people through an educational process that helps them improve their lives by applying unbiased, scientific knowledge focused on needs and issues.
Department Description and Function: Custer County Extension is a field office for South Dakota State University (SDSU) Cooperative Extension Services. We provide information, programming and community educational resources & leadership in Youth Development, Family & Consumer Science, Horticulture and Agriculture.