March 25, 2025

Extension Office

SDSU Extension Service – Custer County Office

SDSU Extension is the indispensable outreach link to people growing South Dakota’s, and the nation’s, future by providing solutions and creating opportunities. We foster learning communities that e​​​​mpower citizens to advocate for sustainable change and strengthen agriculture, natural resources, youth, families and communities.

Youth experience 4-H through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4-H camps and educational programs. Members complete hands-on projects in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.


Keri Cochran, SDSU 4-H / 4-H Educator


4-H Youth Development Extension Educator:
Keri Cochran

Administrative Assistant:
[email protected]

Phone: 605-673-4971

25361 US Hwy 385
Custer, SD 5773

Custer County 4-H Website

To serve the people through an educational process that helps them improve their lives by applying unbiased, scientific knowledge focused on needs and issues.

Department Description and Function: Custer County Extension is a field office for South Dakota State University (SDSU) Cooperative Extension Services. We provide information, programming and community educational resources & leadership in Youth Development, Family & Consumer Science, Horticulture and Agriculture.