March 25, 2025

Highway Department

Attn. Motor Carriers and Ag Operators
As of 4-28-23 spring weight limits have been lifted with the exception of all segments of Custer County’s Playhouse Road. Playhouse Road is posted at 6 tons per axle year-round. Legal loads are acceptable on all other Custer County Roads. Go to   for  more information on legal loads.    

ATV trail riding is all about enjoying and sharing natural spaces with your friends and family. Welcome to Custer County, we hope you enjoy your time here. Tourism is a huge part of our economy and we understand that many of you are unfamiliar with the area. We ask that you please remember that many of the roads you will be riding on, are the same roads our local residents use every day. Within just a few miles you could be traveling on a UTV trail system, County Road, Private Subdivision Road, Forest Service Road, or State Highway. Please be mindful of posted speeds and remember you will be meeting passenger vehicles, trucks, horseback riders, pedestrians, and of course, livestock and wildlife.

We all have a stake in safe, responsible ATV riding, and land use.

Keeping riding areas open requires good relationships between public land managers, private land owners, and others who share the land such as riders, campers and hikers. In most cases, common courtesy and consideration of their interests is all that is necessary to ensure that everyone can enjoy the area.

Leave the area as clean as you found it.

If you see litter, pick it up and carry it out on your ATV. Carry a rolled up plastic trash bag and a couple of bungee cords on your ATV. Why not leave the area cleaner than you found it?

Obey trail markers and closure signs.

There are many reasons why an area may be closed to ATVs including the existence of fire hazard, refuge to wildlife or plant life, and safety hazards. The reasons may not be obvious. If it is posted as closed, stay out.

Always leave gates and fences the way you found them.

This is especially important on Forest Service lands where livestock may be kept. Never cut a fence.

Superintendent: Jesse Doyle
Foreman: Kevin Treloar
Office Manager: Lori Eggerth
Phone: (605) 673-5678
Fax: (605) 673-5879
Mail: 25365 US Hwy 385,  Custer, SD  57730
Email: [email protected]

Click here for map

Mission: To provide a safe comfortable travel environment for residents and visitors to Custer County.

Department Description and Function:
We maintain 400 miles of gravel and 5 miles of asphalt road in Custer County.  Our job is to continually maintain the roads to provide a smooth travel surface.  We also construct new roads and reconstruct the old along with snow/ice removal in winter and dust control in summer.

Life in the country is different from life in the city. County governments are unable to provide the same level of service that city governments provide. We welcome you to Custer County and hope that you will enjoy living here. The following Code of the West is meant to educate you on the ins and outs of rural living.

2025-2029 Five Year Plan

Approach Permits (Step-by-Step Guide)

Road & Approach Specifications

ROW Occupancy Application

Special Use Application to Occupy ROW

Bid Specification Sheet

2020 Weight & Speed Resolution

Snow Removal Policy

2005 Cattleguard Resolution

Prohibited Signs

Mag CL Factors


MagCL and Road Maintenance

Pulling Ditches