March 25, 2025

Register of Deeds

Teri L. Morgan
Register of Deeds

Wanda Gramkow
Deputy Register of Deeds

Mailing Address:

420 Mt Rushmore Rd
Custer, SD 57730

E-mail Address:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Phone/Fax Numbers:

Phone: (605) 673-8171
Fax: (605) 673-8148

Hours of Operation:

Monday thru Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
(Closed on Holidays)

Welcome to Custer County Register of Deeds’ (ROD) Office.  The ROD provides a variety of services to the county and is the primary county official record keeping and archival office.  The ROD keeps all records of land transactions, DD-214’s, and various instruments authorized by law to be certified and available to the public.  We also issue marriage licenses and certified copies of birth, death and marriage certificates. We are the record holder for specific liens i.e. hospitals, county, state and federal liens are held within the ROD office.

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Vital Records Request

Certificate of Value
Fictitious Business Name
Affidavit Term Joint Tenancy
Transfer of Exemption Listing
Federal Tax Lien Request

Marriage Requirements:

  • All applicants need to appear in person.
  • A South Dakota marriage license ($40 cash)
  • Identification: driver’s license or a certified copy of birth certificate
  • Those 16 and 17 must have parental consent. South Dakota law does not permit marriage of those under 16.
  • The marriage must be solemnized within 90 days from the purchase of your license or the license becomes void.
  • Once married, the individual who solemnizes the marriage must return the license to the Register of Deeds within 10 days. If not, there will be no record of your marriage. Marriage may be solemnized by a justice of the supreme court, a judge of the circuit court, a magistrate, or any person authorized by a church to solemnize marriages. See SDCL 25-1 for specific statues.
  • No blood test or waiting period is required.