March 25, 2025

Treasurer’s Office


Custer County Finance Officer: Dawn McLaughlin
[email protected]
(605) 673-8114

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Deputy: Paula Arthur
[email protected]
(605) 673-8115

Deputy: Karen Hicks
[email protected]
(605) 673-8116

Deputy: Kelly Holden
[email protected]
(605) 673-8113

Deputy: Tammy Pierce
[email protected]
(605) 673-8118

Deputy: Walter Krol
[email protected]
(605) 673-8129

Mailing Address:
Custer County Treasurer

420 Mount Rushmore Rd.
Custer, SD 57730

Office Fax: (605) 673-8150

Office Phone: (605) 673-8172

Hours: 8 am- 5 pm Monday – Friday (Closed Holidays)

Please Note: If you e-mailed our office and have received no reply within 24-48 hours, please call the office phone number as an error may have occurred with receiving e-mail.

The Treasurer’s Office provides taxpayers the best possible services to meet the continual needs of Custer County. Custer County 2008 population was approximately 7,900 which was a 9.2% increase from 2000 US Census figures

The Treasurer’s Office is solely responsible and accountable for revenue collected by all county offices, including 20 departments and 90 trust and agency funds.  These funds are deposited, invested and appropriated to the correct revenue account.  This revenue was nearly  $4.2 million in 2008.

In addition to collecting taxes and other forms of revenue, the Treasurer issues distress warrants for the State of South Dakota for non-payment of sales taxes or unemployment insurance, and delinquent taxes on mobile homes.

The Treasurer’s Office is best known by the public for collecting real estate taxes.  Real Estate taxes account for the majority of revenue in the county budget.  In 2008, there were approximately 13,800 parcels of land in Custer County. The Treasurer is not only responsible for collecting taxes for the county, but the city and school districts as well.  Custer County collected more than $10 million in real estates taxes in 2008. Real Estate taxes are paid one year in arrears. (Example: taxes that accrue in 2008  are due & payable in 2009.)  Tax notices are mailed by mid-February.   First half property taxes are due by April 30th; second half are due by October 31st.  Special assessments, such as Road District fees, are due by April 30th also. In addition, all taxes under $50 are due and payable in full on or before April 30th.  Please bring your tax payment coupons with you or include them if you mail  payments to the above address to ensure proper credit.  Tax payments MUST be postmarked by April 30th and October 31st, respectively, or interest is automatically applied.    Please notify our office of any changes to your mailing address.

For  information regarding the Senior Citizens or Disabled Persons tax assessment freeze, or further information regarding your real estate or mobile home taxes , please call our office 605-673-8172.

Motor vehicle fees are also collected at the Treasurer’s Office. These include fees for vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, motorcycles, trailers, ATV’s and 4% excise tax on purchases. Custer County collected approximately $1.4 million in motor vehicle fees during 2008.  These collections are divided between the State of South Dakota, Custer County and municipalities  in Custer County.

NOTE: Per state law, we are only allowed to give one temporary permit per year (1 year from date of issue originally). Custer County does not title and/or register out-of-state off-road vehicles.

South Dakota staggers registration renewals throughout the year depending on the first letter of the customer’s last name. (See list below.)    Licenses are renewable up to 90 days prior to your expiration date.  Please bring registrations or titles or license plate numbers of each vehicle for renewal. When registering vehicles recently purchased, provide the South Dakota drivers license or Social Security numbers of all individuals named on the title. Titles with open liens cannot be transferred.  Liens are indicated on the front lower portion of the title, and are released at this office with a proper lien release from the lien holder.   Our office also completes Handicap Vehicle Permits, Duplicate Title Applications, Temporary and 30-Day Commercial Permits.  Vehicles can be renewed by mail. Please call our office for details.

On-Line Renewals are now possible at .   On-line renewals will be available from 90 days up to 10 days prior to registration expiration date to allow time for processing.  Boat and certain snowmobile renewals CANNOT be done on-line at this time.  Address changes MUST be made through your County Treasurer’s Office prior to on-line renewal.

To renew on-line, you must have a valid South Dakota driver’s license or a valid I.D. issued by the Office of Driver Licensing, S.D. Dept of Public Safety.   Acceptable forms of payment are credit cards (MasterCard or Discover only), any debit card, and e-check.

January for names starting with A & B
February for names starting with C, D & E
March for names starting with F, G & J
May for names starting with H, I & O
June for names starting with K & L
July for names starting with M & N
August for names starting with P, Q & R
September for names starting with S
November for names starting with T, U, V, W, X, Y & Z


Starting July 1, 2023, non-resident off-road vehicle permits will be available for purchase and are valid for one year.

Beginning on July 1st, applications for the annual permit can be processed through any local county treasurer’s office or online using the updated off-road vehicle permit application. The cost for the permit is $50 and will expire the end of the month of the following year. Decals mailed to the applicant will be subject to an additional $1.50 mailing fee.

Online applications should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the planned trip to allow for processing and mail time.

This permit is for the use of the roads and highways of South Dakota, if using US Forest Service trails, a separate permit is required. Please contact Black Hills National Forest office.

For other Visitor questions contact Black Hills Visitor Center at 605-355-3700.



View and Pay Taxes

Black Hills ATV Permit Information

Resolution for Title & Registration Fee

Vehicle Registration Forms

Property Tax Forms

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